experts for renewable energies

what we can do for you


engineering services

Do you need experts for renewable energies?

With our know-how, we are the perfect contact for all your concerns - whether it is consulting, interim management for energy projects, due diligence, measurement systems, inspections or your very own individual project.


turnkey system design

Do you need a tailor-made system?

We support you with a system or solution tailored specifically to your needs; the installation of photovoltaic systems, battery storage or charging stations for e-cars.


consulting and distribution

Are you looking for the right technology?

We also distribute photovoltaic modules and systems, build custom measurement systems, infrastructure around electromobility or balcony power plants. Contact us for the complete offer.

Find out more about our services

what is our track record



Thanks to the many years of professional experience of our engineers, we find the right solution for every challenge.


pv power installed

We put photovoltaics on roofs and on the ground – and anywhere else where it is feasible.


charging capacity installed

With intelligent solutions for the charging infrastructure for electric cars, we bring renewable energies onto the road.

every project counts


special plant engineering in brunsbüttel, schleswig-holstein

Location: Brunsbüttel, Schleswig-Holstein
Services: Special plant engineering
Realised: January 2023

Design and construction of a control cabinet for the temperature control of a ventilation system for a transformer station

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54 kW charging infrastructure in aachen, nrw

Installed charging points: 8 x 11 kW
Installed charging capacity: 54 kW
Realised: May 2022

Planning and installation of the charging infrastructure on a company car park

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99 kWp photovoltaic system in meerbusch, nrw

Installed PV modules: 242 PV modules
Installed kWp: 99.22
Realised: May 2023

Consulting, engineering, planning and construction of the PV systems for a large clinic

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third-party untersuchung von pv-modulschäden in litauen

Untersuchte PV-Anlagen: 3
Anlagengröße: > 100 kWp
Realised: November 2022

Sichtung und Analyse der Schadensbilder, die auf drei PV-Anlagen aufgetreten sind

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our vision –
energy without emission

We are Voltagy. Founded by four engineers with a clear goal: to use our many years of technical expertise in the field of renewable energies, gathered at TÜV Rheinland Solar GmbH, to master the challenges of the energy transition together with you. In doing so, your needs are always at the heart of everything we do - whether it's engineering services, the construction of individual energy systems or support with tenders, carrying out feasibility studies and expert opinions. We will get it done. And are the right partner to make your energy supply secure and fit for the future.

«From the photovoltaic system on the roof next door to major international projects in the field of energy and measurement technology - we work to ensure that the energy transition succeeds»

Dipl.-Ing. Ansgar Delahaye

Main focus

  • Energy consulting
  • Research project management

Johannes Ellmann, B.Eng.

Main focus

  • Weather Stations & Environmental Sensors
  • International project management

Dipl.-Ing. Michael Slawik

Main focus

  • Special measurement solutions
  • Large-scale project management

Jork Saal, M.Sc.

Main focus

  • Photovoltaic systems
  • Charging infrastructure
Find out more about voltagy
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